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Daily first??? lol, guess NG has alot of halo fanboys. Gfx were ok, everything was well drawn but there wasnt really any animations, just tweens during the walking and teabagging and stuff. Sound was ok, RATM was a good band but i think you could have picked a better song. Overated game, overated flash.
You seam to make fun of zelda fanboys, well halo fanboys are worse. Atleast zelda was a good game. Halo was a 6 hour game spread out and made to last 12 hours, so repetitive, so overated. Halo 3 looks like halo 2 but with slightly better gfx, WOW!

EpicPopcorn responds:

You seem really attached to graphics in flash and games. Try looking at other aspects. How can 4 player coop not interest you? I guess if you dont have any friends it wont. The goal with my toon was not to attack zelda fanboys. I just wanted to make people laugh.

not funny

it's well animated but not funny at all, lame joke. Also it is too short.

Wonchop responds:

Well at least that part's not my fault

whens swell 11 and 12 coming out

this is only a year late, but god what an exiting year it has been. I got new job, there was the incident with the elderly woman, the car issue, that raccoon, and now this. Simply put, this was worth the wait.

Grafix: good
sound: good
style: lots
violence: pacman part
interactivity: buttons
humor: some
overall: swell

Muffin responds:

not as swell as you mr badger

good production values

graphics: oldschool effects look...good
style: good due to oldshool tv effects
sound: good music
violence: also good due the the oldschool violence.
interactivity: play button works ok...
humour: its funny since they ban people.
overall: quite good, im startign to wish id helped out a little more on this movie.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

no poroblem sire! your help is always appreciated my sexay badgur friend :o

tan pegajoso

Derramé un poco de jugo anaranjado en mis pantalones, tan ahora mira como hice pis mismo.

Charlotte responds:

life crushing turbulence, this wrath can't be denied.

mmmmmmmmm spooky

the bugs looked and creepy happy halloween sir.

graphics: very good
sound: very good
violence: bug gibs
interactivity: preloader works
humor: bugs are not funny :(

keicho responds:

mmmmmmmmmmmmm thank you my good fat and juicy sir

very good

all those weeeks of planning paid off, i give it a 10.

FLCLmonkey responds:

wise choice in the eys of ALLAH

good by dear sir

i thought a gator would be his killer...or a snake...or a spider...or a shark...but never a stingray.

life responds:


There are 8 species of badger, in 3 families: Melinae, Mellivorinae, Taxideinae. The Asiatic stink badgers of were formerly included in the Melinae, but recent genetic evidence indicates that these are actually Old World relatives of the skunks.


Flash rapist

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