The magazine (as with any consumer report about the 360 failure) did NOT highlight why the consoles were failing. Granted they are failing at an alarming rate and thats due to how tempermental they are. The people who's 360's rrod out usually are stuffed in a corner or confined space with little to no air circulation, are left on for days at a time, and are hardly dusted off or cleaned. Another big factor is the inter-coolers that some off-shot brands have that say they can better cool the box when in all reality, it shoots you the rrod straight away. Worse yet, those inter-coolers void your warranty, so you're sol on a new console.
And the reason for the 3.8 "never again" rating is because the 360 is such a good console. Face it, it has better games ranging from little kids games to the more mature, an online franchise that can't be beat that has the ability to download games, movies, and a slew of other things on demand. And the fact that it came out a year before the PS3 and Wii helps it out too. And the way the system is designed helps with gamer comfort. So its not cause people are too stupid to say "screw this" and get a PS3 or a Wii, its just that the system is in all facts that good.
Rtil is correct.
A total of 5 of my friends had their 360's broken, 2 dropped theirs, 1 set his fucking tv on it and played it (small stand), and the other two played it for more than 10 hours a day (no longer friends with them since they're unemployed with no lives.)
Dumbasses if you ask me.
Mine's lasted for 2 years from setting it on a wooden surface on the horizontal position.
FatBadger (Updated )
I cant wait until yours explodes. Are you saying that everyone who has needed their 360 repaired did not take car of it and caused the problems themselves? It is caused by hardware problems ass. Microsoft had several parts of the console made by " the lowest bidder." Look it up, it explains it all over the Internet fag.